Veterinary Technicians

Licensed Veterinary Technician
Head Technician
Mallory Smithson, LVT
Mallory graduated from Murray State University in 2019 and joined TCVC in June of 2020. In her free time, she enjoys working with cattle on her family farm she grew up on, or spending time with her closest friends.

Veterinary Assistant
Danielle White
Danielle is a Murray State University 2019 Graduate. She grew up on a beef cattle farm in Logan County and in her spare time she enjoys hiking and spending time outdoors.

Veterinary Assistant
Jayme Galloway
Jayme grew up on a beef cattle farm in Breckinridge County. She is currently a Senior Student at Murray State University with aspirations of going to vet school. In her spare time she enjoys trail riding her horses and playing with her dog Bailey.

Veterinary Assistant
Bethany Derden
Biography to come

Veterinary Assistant
Mallory Sobkowich
Biography to come